Priorities in Crystal Lake

Priorities in Crystal Lake

Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL Priorities

One of our passions and hobbies at Crystal Lake Family Wellness is CrossFitting. We love it because it provides a healthy competitive outlet but also strikes similar philosophical tones as Chiropractic does, in that it is all about supporting function and maximizing potential. I read this newsletter from someone I look up to in the CrossFit world, Adrian Conway. He is not a chiropractor but many of his points strike true to points we help our patients realize, and so we thought it would be nice to share his message...

By Adrian Conway, a Crossfitter and owner of supplement company FNX:

“Oh yeah, we talking about money (and health but first I must build my case), it's likely why you show up to work each day. When you consider that we spend most of our lives working, that money that you earn becomes very precious to you, something you often want to cling tightly to or only spend on things that really make you happy and feel good. We as a society often have this "bass ackwards". I say this because we are all on board and ok with spending $3.50 each day on a coffee or other fancy drink we really enjoy and $200 on a pair of nice tennis shoes but gawk at a supplement product that costs $65 for a months supply or a gym membership that may cost $150..." (We could throw in get adjusted to this list, which provides optimal health of your spine and improves function of your entire body and health!)

Do you think it is expensive to eat whole grown food from the grocery store and do most of your shopping on the perimeter of the store itself where most of the food is fresh and actually REAL food? Do you think you don't have time to workout? Do you think it takes too much time to food prep? Too much effort to go to bed a decent hour to ensure you get enough sleep to combat out of "whack" hormones? Do you think it's silly to invest in supplementation that helps give you a more convenient source of quality nutrition, so you can save time and effort with your food choices?

Do you think all of the above "questions" are a challenge to answer with "no". You are correct. It will take a series of hard decisions for you to truly invest in your health. But what you really have to keep in mind is that $150 to a gym membership isn't so expensive when you cancel your cable. Spending an extra $50 a month at the store to buy fresh food isn't a stretch when you stop going to Starbucks everyday. Not having the time to make it to the gym gets a lot easier when you don't feel entitled to sit for hours in front of your TV or computer watching something that adds no value to the life you wish to live. And investing in $150 of supplements a month that help you sleep better, get the micronutrients you need and save you time doesn't sound crazy when you want an improved quality of life. You have the means to invest in your health, but you have to want to make it a priority. It may not seem like its important now, but again look at the statistics from paragraph 2. If you don't make proper investments in your health now, you will exponentially pay for it later through a lesser quality life, health insurance premiums, medical bills and prescriptions and that is why you can't put a price on health.

Be invested.”

9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Crystal Lake Family Wellness
4777 Northwest Highway Suite C
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
(815) 788-7504