Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL Health

Lack of Symptoms = Health? – Crystal Lake

Lack of Symptoms = Health? in Crystal Lake The majority of people we meet in the clinic or community have this general perspective: lack of symptoms must mean I am healthy. It makes sense, and what else could there be to health? One would think any “serious issue” would be seen or felt, right? And…

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Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL Best Version of You

The Best Version of You – Crystal Lake

The Best Version of You in Crystal Lake Be the best version of yourself. You owe it to yourself.  Your friends, family members, and loved ones deserve it. CrossFit is a superior fitness regime that has transformed the lives of millions unlike any other fitness movement. It makes us all the superhero versions of ourselves.…

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Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL Man Smiling

Epigenetics and Chiropractic in Crystal Lake

Epigenetics and Chiropractic in Crystal Lake I had a conversation with a patient this afternoon and disease and the role genes play in our health was brought up. She mentioned how our genes are set from birth, breast cancer for example. However what she was not aware and what I brought up was that even…

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Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL Glutes

What are Your Glutes Doing? – Crystal Lake

What are Your Glutes Doing? Did you know if you spend time sitting, like most of us do, your glutes are not only slacking, but are being inhibited and your hip flexors are becoming tighter? It’s true, our body is continuously being molded and casted to its surroundings. This creates poor movement patterns as the…

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Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL Stress

Headaches From Posture? – Crystal Lake

Headaches from Posture? Did you know your headaches could be coming from your posture and spinal alignment? Our very own Dr. Emily experienced this first hand, and it is actually how we were driven to practice corrective chiropractic care. After over a decade of adjustments, Dr. Emily still suffered from migraine headaches. The adjustments had…

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Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL Smiling Lady

Bulletproof Coffee in Crystal Lake

Bulletproof Coffee in Crystal Lake Following up on how great coconut oil is… check out bulletproof coffee! It is a delicious cup of coffee and provides a great source of healthy fats with grassfed butter (omega 3’s), as well as the previously listed many benefits of coconut oil. Dr. Emily and Dr. Josh love coffee…

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Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL True Health

Food For Thought: Values in Crystal Lake

Food For Thought: Values in Crystal Lake If asked what their core values are, most people would say their family and health are the most important things in their life. Here is the problem that we see and face: although most people state this, many either don’t know how to support this, or in reality,…

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Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL Chiropractic and Flu

Chiropractic and the Flu in Crystal Lake

Chiropractic and the Flu in Crystal Lake Most people are surprised to hear that an adjustment can boost your immune function… and as would be expected most are even skeptical once they do hear this. The roots of chiropractic run deep and this was first seen on a large scale during the flu epidemic of…

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Chiropractic Crystal Lake IL Chiropractic Saves Money

Save Money With Chiropractic in Crystal Lake

Save Money With Chiropractic in Crystal Lake One of the most common reasons some may decide not to include chiropractic as part of their health plan, is that it does not “fit in their budget.” When it comes to keeping people healthy, our Country’s health care is at an all time low. More than ever…

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